Healthy Living Laboratory Services

Lab Tests at an affordable cost and conveniently offered every day, no appointments needed. These services are offered on a Self-Pay basis only - no insurance will be billed. Payment is due at time of check-out. It is the responsibility of clients to follow up with a physician or practitioner on any laboratory test results that are furnished to them by Barton County Health Department. Call 620-793-1902 if you have questions regarding the Healthy Living Laboratory Services.
See QUICKLINKS on the bottom left of this page for Health Living Lab forms you may pre-fill to speed up your wait time!
COST Laboratory Test $10.00 Draw Fee per Visit
$ 8.06 Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Checks for anemia, infection, or disease
$ 10.00 **Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (fasting test)
A measure of electrolytes, glucose, kidney and liver enzymes
$ 6.67 **Glucose (fasting test)
Checks the sugar in the blood
$ 14.34 Hemoglobin A1C
Screening for Diabetes and aids in Diabetes Management (long-term glucose levels)
$ 8.14 **Hepatic Functions Panel (fasting test)
Checks how the Liver is working
$ 21.85 Hepatitis C Virus Antibody
Checks to see if you have been exposed to Hepatitis C
$ 25.71 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Quantitative
Used to see if you have any immunity to Hepatitis B or Immunity from the Vaccine
$ 18.56 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Qualitative or Checking for the disease
$ 29.18 HIV 1/2 Antigen/Antibody
Indicates that you have exposure to HIV
$ 11.30 **Lipid Panel (fasting test)
A reliable measure of Cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL
$ 32.50 Measles Antibody (IgG)
Indicator if you have ever been exposed to the Measles or Immunity from the Vaccine
$ 29.17 Mumps Virus Antibody (IgG)
Indicator if you have ever been exposed to the Mumps or Immunity
from the Vaccine
$ 47.77 Nicotine Cotinine, Serum
Indicator if you are a smoker or around nicotine
$ 13.92 Rubella Immune Status
Indicator if you have ever been exposed to the Rubella or Immunity from the Vaccine
$ 20.50 TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
Checks medication compliance and also indicates thyroid issues
$ 17.56 T3 Total
Measures available thyroid hormone binding sites (usually Dr's order this)
$ 32.75 T4, Free (FT4)
Checks the circulating autoantibodies (usually Dr's order this)
$ 21.25 PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
Measures PSA to aid in the diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
$ 24.55 Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibody (IgG)
Indicator if you have ever been exposed to the Chicken Pox or Immunity from the Vaccine
$ 37.20 Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, Total Immunoassay
Measures the amount of Vitamin D your body is absorbing (medication maintenance, also)