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Barton County



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Annual Market Trend Publication


Pursuant to K.S.A 1995 Supp. 79-1460a.

Barton County Market Study Analysis for the valuation year 2025.

As of January 1, 2025

A study of the residential (R) property real estate market within Barton County indicated that there is a general inflationary trend, however specific areas may be above or below the overall trend.

A study of the Barton County commercial (C) property real estate market indicated that the market is stable with no general inflationary or deflationary trend, however specific areas may be above or below the overall trend.

A study of the Barton County real estate market for vacant (V) lots has indicated that there is a general inflationary trend, however specific areas may be above or below the overall trend.

Manufactured Homes are valued utilizing Cost Tables from the CoreLogic Marshall & Swift Valuation Services as mandated by the Kansas Department of Revenue, Property Valuation Division. Manufactured home values my increase or decrease from the previous year based on the make, age, and condition of the manufactured home based on the depreciation study utilizing manufactured home sales that have occurred in Barton County.

In accordance with the provisions in K.S.A. 79-1476, the Division of Property Valuation is required annually to furnish each county the results of its study relating to changes, if any, of the Use Value of agricultural land.  Changes can and do occur as a result of several factors including cropping practices, commodity prices, and production costs.

Values on specific properties may not follow the general trend because of changes in the property, corrections of descriptive information, or adjustments of values based on sales of similar properties.