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Barton County

Health Department


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WIC Women, Infants and Children

Barton County Health Department WIC Office       620-793-1909
WIC is a supplemental food and nutritional program designed to improve the health of women, infants, and children.  The service provides nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, nutritious foods, and referrals to other health care programs.
For more information visit


CLICK here for WIC Program Fact Sheet



Breastfeeding Support Group  
2nd Wednesday of each month at 4:00pm 
Barton County Health Department WIC Office,      
1300 Kansas Avenue, Great Bend, KS
Pre-Natal Breastfeeding Class 
     1st Tuesday of each month at 9:00am and
4th Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm
Learn about breastfeeding 
and what to expect the first weeks after your baby is born.  
Call 620-793-1909 for more information.