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Current Job Openings

WOMEN, INFANTS, AND CHILDREN (WIC) CLERK/INTERPRETER (Full-Time): This full-time position requires working with Barton County Health Department’s Women, Infants, and Children’s (WIC) personnel, State WIC personnel, and local clients who utilize this program.  It requires good mathematical skills and good interpersonal communication skills.  Quality Improvement practices will be embedded in the everyday workload.  This position involves organization, scheduling, laboratory testing, chart completion, and contact with mothers, infants, children, and pregnant women. This person reports to the Barton County Health Department WIC Program Supervisor.  Successful applicant must pass drug screen and physical assessment.  Full Job Description:  WIC Clerk-Interpreter


SOCIAL WORKER (Full Time) -- This full-time position requires a thorough knowledge of social work, and psychology. This position works with the public in many settings, including within the clinic, home visits with clients and outreach to area providers. This person must possess the ability to seek resources for clients as well as serve as a resource for staff to assist clients in need. This person will have a knowledge of the life span with emphasis on preconception, prenatal, postpartum health, and child health. This person must possess interpersonal communication skills including public speaking and writing reports. This position reports to the Barton County Health Dept Director and/or the MCH (Maternal Child Health) Supervisor. This position has no supervisory responsibility and exercises judgment with some supervision. Successful applicant must pass drug screen and physical assessment. Full Job Description:  Social Worker


WIC BREASTFEEDING PEER COUNSELOR (BFPC)/HEALTHY START HOME VISITOR (Full Time) – This position provides basic breastfeeding information and support to WIC mothers and requires personal breastfeeding experience as well as requires work in the homes of high-risk families. Quality Improvement practices will be embedded in the everyday workload. This position has no supervisory responsibility and exercises technical skill under supervision. This position requires a candidate that has successfully breastfed at least one infant for at least six months. This position reports to the WIC Program Supervisor and/or the Barton County Health Department Director.  Successful applicant must pass drug screen and physical assessment. Full Job Description:  BFPC - Healthy Start Home Visitor


PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE (WIC/MCH) (Full Time) – This full-time position requires a thorough knowledge in maternal child nursing and this position works with the public in the clinic as well as making home visits. This person provides many services including immunizations; blood pressure, hemoglobin, blood sugar; medical consultations for medical referrals; and other duties as arise. This position may also be called on to apply basic Public Health principles as circumstances are identified that may put people at risk.  This position has no supervisory responsibility and exercises judgment with some supervision. Successful applicant must pass drug screen and physical assessment. Full Job Description:  WIC MCH Nurse 2024


TEMPORARY LABORER - The Road & Bridge department is hiring for temporary Road & Bridge summer crew assisting with asphalt operations, mowing, spraying, repairing fences, culverts, guardrails and traffic signs.  Hours are Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.  Must have a valid KS Driver's License.  Position will start in late May or early June and end in August.  Must be at least 18 years of age to perform this job.  Pay is $13.00 / hr.  Full Job Description:  Temporary Worker


COMMUNICATIONS OFFICERS I - Barton County is accepting applications for a Communications Officer I for the Communications / 911 Department until the position is filled.   Operates dispatch radios, computers, 911 and administrative phone lines, the telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD), and receives and dispatches messages, a portion of which will be of an emergency nature.   High School diploma or GED required as well as NCIC certification (within six months of hire) and Emergency Medical Dispatch and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR certifications (within first year of hire).  Must work shifts, pass security background check, pre-employment drug screen and physical assessment as well as hold a valid Kansas driver's license. Bilingual applicants encouraged to apply.  Full Job Description:  Communications Officer I


DETENTION OFFICER - Barton County is accepting applications for a Detention Officer for the Sheriff's Office until the position is filled. The person in this position provides for the safe keeping of prisoners in the custody of the Sheriff, overseeing confinement to include mealtime, activities and transports. Officers work shifts, must have no felony convictions and a valid Kansas driver's license. The successful applicant must pass a pre-employment drug screen and physical assessment. Women are encouraged to apply. Full job description: Detention Officer


ON-CALL WORKER – Contractual positions open for grant-funded Barton County \ Juvenile Intake and Assessment. On-call outside the 8-5, M-F time periods. Travels to work with families and law enforcement to determine placement for youth. Must possess strong conflict resolution skills, ability to recognize need and refer to area resources. Administers testing to determine placement and referrals. Excellent written, oral communications. A Bachelor’s Degree is preferred but experience in Human Services or a related field will be considered. Must be a minimum of 21 years of age, possess valid Kansas DL, successfully complete JIAS training, pass a criminal background check and pre-employment drug test. Full job description: JIAS On-Call Worker


        Click on the Fillable Application on the Quick Links section which is left of the top of the job postings.
        or Download an Application form: 
Application for Employment 2024 -2


Return the completed and signed application to the Human Resources Office -
  by email to:  Brenda Kaiser - bkaiser@bartoncounty.org

  or by mail to: 1400 Main St, Suite 108, Great Bend, KS 67530


For questions please call (620) 793-1800.


All positions are open until filled.


Barton County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provides Reasonable Accommodation.