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Barton County

Juvenile Services


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Intensive Supervision Probation




The Juvenile Intensive Supervision Program is highly structured and community-based, with a focus on youth at high risk and very high risk.


The program is designed for offenders who failed in traditional probation and/or have committed a serious crime. They do not yet need placement outside the home or in a juvenile correctional facility.


Our philosophy is that selected offenders can be effectively managed in the community without an increased risk to the public.


The program is cost-effective through the use of community-based supervision, cognitive tools, an evidence-based curriculum, and control intervention.


Services can include the following:


  • Curfew checks
  • Alcohol breath testing
  • Drug & alcohol treatment
  • Parenting classes
  • Sex-offender treatment
  • Mentorship
  • Mental-health treatment


Contact Information: 

1800 12th Street
Great Bend, KS 67530
Voice: (620) 793-1930
Fax: (620) 793-1977