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Courthouse Re-Opening May 4, 2020



May 1, 2020 11am



The Board of County Commissioners met in Special Session on Friday, May 1, 2020.  The board made the following “County Operational Changes”.  


The Courthouse will re-open to the public beginning at 8am Monday, May 4, 2020.  The  Main Street entrance on the west side of the courthouse will be open to the public.  The Kansas Street entrance on the east side will remain locked.  All visitors will be screened for fever over 100.4º, travel history and COVID symptoms prior to admittance. 


Other County Departments may operate with restricted access or by appointment.  Please call the appropriate department for instructions on how to conduct business.  Visit www.bartoncounty.org for department phone numbers. 


The county will continue to provide services at the Barton County Annex Building located at the corner of Broadway and Morton. 


In light of Governor Kelly’s re-opening plan, the Local Health Officer rescinded BARTON COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER No. 2020-01.  Barton County strongly encourages it’s citizens to practice good hygiene by coughing into your sleeve, frequently washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more, disinfect high touch areas continually and practice social distancing by maintaining a 6-foot perimeter.  


The COVID-19 incident is ever changing.  We will provide updates as things change.  Social distancing will be enforced while in the courthouse.  We encourage citizens to use the County’s online functions, emailing or calling for assistance.


Barton County is fully committed to providing essential services and serving the public.  Thank you for your patience as we work to keep our employees and the public safe.