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Barton County

Health Department


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Breastfeeding Support

Workplace Support of Breastfeeding Employees

Many employers are interested in supporting an employee’s decision to continue breastfeeding after returning from maternity leave. Women with children are the fastest growing segment of the workforce. In the United States today, more than 75% of all new mothers choose to breastfeed to give their babies the best nutrition and health benefits possible.


The Bottom Line  —

Supporting breastfeeding employees is good for business!

· Lower health care costs

· Lower turnover rates

· Lower absenteeism

· Higher productivity and morale

· Family friendly reputation

Contact Barton County Health Department


for help with worksite policies

and family-friendly environment.



Please contact Barton County Health Department for free assistance with adopting a lactation policy, setting up a lactation room, or answering questions about complying with the relevant laws. 

For more information about sample policies see:   http://www.kansasbusinesscase.com/ 

US Department of Labor Fact Sheet on Breastfeeding Law

For more information see Breastfeeding resources-English  and  Breastfeeding resources-Spanish